
What Patrice’s clients are saying about Wishful Thinking Works life coaching and Wishful Thinking Women groups . . .

A sweet comment from one of Saturday’s Wishful Thinking Women . . . “A m a z i n g! AS ALWAYS! If you are thinking about attending this meetup…do it! If you want more positivity in your life…join us. You will be happy you did.”

Here’s what they had to say about our gathering . . . “We cried, we laughed, we shared Today was a great day!” “Patrice you were great!” “As always – a delightful and insightful morning with a wonderful group of women…” “Wealth of support”

“Patrice helped me to focus on a very basic idea that I had sort of lost sight of lately….SELF LOVE ! My close friends knew there had been some changes for me and could tell that I was being much more gentle on my SELF than in the recent past. Patrice, you have a beautiful positive and encouraging attitude about you. There was no messin’ around: the homework was great and I actually liked having a deadline.” Nancy S.

“What I liked about my life coaching experience with Patrice was her ability to simplify the work we were doing. Sometimes we don’t recognize a behavior and life coaching brings light to the issues surrounding that behavior. Where Patrice’s skill lay, was as we found solutions, her clarity and ability to simplify the issues took away any resistance, and I could see the solutions for myself. Then implement them. It was an empowering 8 weeks.” HN


“I’ve been trained as a life coach myself. Recently I was given the opportunity to work with another life coach, Patrice Koerper. Even though I have the materials, classes, and practical knowledge of the coaching process, it wasn’t until Patrice began to coach me that I realized I needed some direction other than my own to accomplish my goal.

Patrice’s questions and perspective truly helped me accomplish my goal. The weekly homework assignments definitely helped to reinforce the breakthroughs we were making each week in my coaching sessions.

Even though the eight weeks have come to a close, I have a road map to keep me on track. In other words, life coaches need life coaches just as much as anyone else. I wholeheartedly recommend Patrice to anyone for any life or career coaching you may need.” Nathan T.


“I want to share my story with you in regards to the wonderful life coach I worked with. Her name is Patrice, just like mine. Patrice helped me overcome my fear and do whatever needed to be done to move forward with my life.

I had homework every week to reinforce what I had learned. It was so wonderful; I made leaps and bounds by working with her.

She is very passionate, helpful and a wonderful life coach. It was the best eight weeks I have ever spent in a learning and productive environment.

I recommend Patrice to anyone who wants to move on and create the life that they want.” Patrice H.


“When I had the opportunity to have life coach Patrice Koerper (Wishful Thinking Works) work with me I had a goal in mind that I had tried to accomplish on my own, without much success, for years. As we began our sessions the initial goal evolved into something else that has changed my life for the better!

Patrice was very encouraging, but also asked the hard questions to reveal what my true desired result. Through weekly homework and life applied tools I realized that the issues I had always believed held me back were not as devastating as I perceived, and would no longer define me, that was my aha moment!

I will definitely continue the road map that she has helped me develop in order to continue living my life with feistiness, purpose, passion and boldness!” Ronnell M.



  1. An individual session with Patrice was so informative, opened my eyes and heart to feel deeper feelings such as pride, gratitude, love, hope, inspiration and joy which is helping me to create a happier, more fulfilling next journey in my life. Patrice is caring and truly loves what she does. Her positivity is contagious. I recommend everyone have a one to one conversation with her. It will truly be life-changing!

    Liked by 1 person

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