10 Days of Tbilisi, con’t

Back again, with more photos from my 10 Days in Tbilisi, which began at Thanksgiving. This issue includes photos from Mtshekta one of the oldest cities and former capital of Georgia. Just to give you an idea of how different the perspective on history is in most places outside of the U.S., when Georgians say “former capital” they mean 3rd century BC – 5th century AD!

Clicking on any photo below will increase its size and display it in a slide show format.

I am completely taken with the wool felting process in Georgian, the art and clothing from felt is amazing. I want to buy it all, but so far have limited myself t a few pieces, which you saw at the end of the photo gallery.  If you want to learn a bit more about wool felting, click here. (I don’t know these artists, but their web site gives you a good idea of the process.)

That’s it for now, still more photos to follow . . .

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