Create a vision for your future

“So relaxing and inspiring”

“Fun…made me remember things that I always wanted to do, but forgot about them!”

“Wow, fun and surprising, new ideas popped up.”

Wishful Thinking Women were busy capturing their dreams on vision boards at a gathering earlier this week. I have created many over the years.  They have never failed to inspire me, and I believe they have helped my future far exceed my dreams.

VB April 2017 2 (2)

VB 2017 April (2)

VB April 2017 1 (2)

The “best” vision board is the one you create for yourself! Get busy this weekend capturing your future. It’s easy – all you need is poster board, magazines, scissors, glue and your dreams!

Think about how you want your life to look and feel – and then cut and paste your vision. Keeping it front and center in your life over the next few weeks, month or years will increase the likelihood that your dreams will come true – all it takes is you!

Wishful Thinking Works Vision Boarding tips:

  1. Gather all of your supplies in one place – make sure you have room to spread out.  A variety of magazines works best, but even if you only have a few, go for it.
  2. Set the mood. Pour yourself a glass of wine or a cup of tea, play the music of your choice – this is a great time for new age or classical, but go with what works best for you.
  3. Sit quietly for a moment and take some deep breaths. Say a few positive, comforting phrases to yourself such as:.  “The future of my dreams is waiting for me.”  “How do I want it to look and feel?”  “I am excited about what lies ahead for me.”
  4. And, then go for it! Don’t censor yourself. If something catches your eye, cut it out. You can figure out how it “fits” later.
  5. Once you have a big stack of pictures and words, begin arraigning them on your board. (Dollar Stores sell the thicker foam core poster board for only $1!
  6. Toss anything you cut out that no longer appeals to you – no regrets – we are creating a future that excites and delights you! You are in charge.
  7. Begin gluing the pieces down when you like the arrangement. Nothing has to be perfect here, have fun with it. (You can always create a new board, in fact I recommended doing at least one vision board a year to keep your ideas fresh and flowing, your motivation strong and your inspiration growing. In times of change, try doing one every 3 months or so.)
  8. When you have finished review your board. Create a story for your future, including all the pieces and parts you have captured. Share the story with yourself, as though you are talking to a friend and you have already accomplished everything on the board. Don’t skip this step – no matter how silly it sounds to be taking to yourself – it is key and helps you and your brain truly buy into and reinforce your dreams.

“I just took the trip of a lifetime . . . My new job is amazing . . . I can’t believe I am already done with college/the book/the move . . . This move was the best idea I ever had, I love . . . I feel so much more relaxed now that I am . . . I cannot believe how quickly the pounds came off when I . . . It was hard, but I feel so much better now that I have . . .”

The options are endless and just like your future – the choices are yours.

The future you truly want is waiting for you.  Have fun creating it.

You can do it!

Are you ready? Life could be better  . . . Wishful Thinking Works Life Coaching

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